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Friday, January 11, 2008

From Hair to Dutch Ovens

Why does the hair on our head keep growing and growing but hair on other parts of our body only grows to a certain length?

Hairs keep growing as long as the follicle is active. The "lifespan" of follicles, or hair growth cycles, differ depending on the location on your body.

For example, scalp hair has a growth cycle of about 7 years, but this varies widely from person to person. The idea is then that your hair can grow and grow for seven years! Then, it stops growing, and it can stay in the follicle for a while before it finally falls out. The hair on your face and nether regions has about a 1 month lifecycle, and your leg and arm hairs, are only a certain length because the follicles are only active for a few weeks. These time frames can vary from person to person and are dependant on health/lifestyle etc.

There are however exceptions to this rule as the world's longest beard belonged to Hans Langseth of Norway, whose whiskers stretched an incredible 5.33 m (17 6 in) when measured upon his death.

What is the origin of the Dutch Oven in bed?

Dutch oven cooking is the practice of cooking stews and other foods with a cast iron pot. Dutch oven cooking pots also have tight lids for the proper cooking of the food. When you take the lid off, the aroma from the pot is really intense ... a similar experience one gets when fluffing the covers over a partner’s head after passing a bit of gas ... the bed acts as a dutch oven.

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