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Thursday, February 21, 2008

Radio Solutions Questions from 4BC

Today we had a great question from Xanthe.

She asked why do smellies (farts) smell worse in the shower?

There are actually a few reasons for this and they all add together to make those smellies smellier.
  • the shower cubicle is a small enclosed space with not a lot of air circulating through

  • you are naked so none of the smell gets absorbed in clothing

  • water vapour easily attaches to methane molecules (smellies) making the smell more readily attach to the nostril lining, and

  • the warm vapours will cause any crusted mucus in your nose to soften and disengage, providing more surface area within the sinuses to absorb the smell.

So there you have it, those smellies really are smellier in the shower!

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